LOXAHATCHEE, Fla. — WPTV has obtained a letter signed by HCA Florida Palms West Hospital CEO Jason Kimbrell, which appears to have been sent to hospital staff in the wake of the brutal beating of a Palms West nurse, identified by her family as Leelamma Lal.
The letter, which begins with "Dear Colleagues," addresses security concerns brought up in wake of the incident.
WATCH: Letter sent to staff after attack on nurse
"I want to take a moment to acknowledge the deep pain and concern we all are feeling in the wake of the recent attack on our beloved nurse, Leela. Knowing that our colleague has been the victim of this kind of unprovoked, senseless violence is difficult for all of us and for me personally as CEO," reads the letter. "Our thoughts are with her during her journey of recovery and we know many of you are keeping her in your prayers."
The sheriff's office said the incident occurred at HCA Florida Palms West Hospital on Feb. 18 at 1:20 p.m.
Investigators said a 33-year-old patient, Stephen Scantlebury, who was being cared for under the Baker Act, "inexplicably attacked" Lal in a third-floor patient room.
"Essentially every bone in the victim's face is broken and the victim is likely to lose the use of both eyes," the affidavit says.
WPTV took the letter to Meghan Marks, a registered nurse and an advocate who helped organize the gathering to support nurse Leelamma Lal over the weekend.
WATCH: What a local nurse has to say about the letter from Palms West CEO Jason Kimbrell
She does not work for Palms West or HCA, but believes policies, must change after an attack like this.
“So, my first initial reaction when I saw it is that I believed it was pretty vague,” Marks said. “I don't really feel that it took a lot of accountability, and while obviously it acknowledged the attack of sweet Leela, I just didn't think that it really gave clear information to immediate solutions, and that's what we need."
Her daughter, Cindy Joseph, and son, Chris Lal, told WPTV they had multiple questions about the hospital's handling of the event, including the level of security at the hospital and why Scantlebury was admitted in the first place.
WATCH: Family seeking answers after nurse attacked on job
As WPTV previously reported, Palms West is not a Baker Act receiving facility.
"I was just really sad and really angry that this happened to her at work, where she should be safe, where she's given her life to this hospital for 20-plus years," said Joseph. "I expected them to take care of her, give her the correct protections she needed."
In the letter, Kimbrell said within 24 hours the hospital "conducted a thorough interdisciplinary review of the incident" led by their "quality, patient safety and security teams," which found all their "procedures and policies were followed."
"Like you, I am asking how this could have happened," wrote Kimbrell.
Kimbrell went on to say the state agency for health care administration, or AHCA, visited the facility and "did not require any corrections to policies or procedures from the incident."
"This was an unspeakable act of violence and we stand firmly behind the pursuit of justice," said Kimbrell.
WPTV's Investigative Team reached out to AHCA to confirm the visit and to obtain a copy of the report. The agency has not yet responded to our inquiry to confirm the visit, but told us a copy of a report may be available in 15 days.
Kimbrell also wrote that the hospital has implemented the following resources in wake of the incident:
- "We will continue to host discussions and town hall meetings to talk openly about this situation and to hear from you about workplace safety. I am also conducting daily office hours, if you prefer to speak with me in private."
- "Counseling services and peer support are available through the EAP. Father Gabriel, the director of pastoral care for HCA East Florida Division, will be at Palms West Hospital offering spiritual and emotional support services."
In closing, Kimbrell said HCA Healthcare has a "zero-tolerance policy" for workplace violence, and acknowledged additional safety protocol may need to be implemented.
"While we have taken significant steps, such as increasing physical security measures and implementing our Workplace Violence Prevention efforts, this incident makes it clear: more must be done," wrote Kimbrell.

Loxahatchee Acreage
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Lal is still recovering in the hospital, and attorneys for the family told us they are hopeful she will survive. She is now awake, responsive, and off a ventilator.
“Legislative changes are going to take time, and as I’ve said, nurses need immediate, tangible safety measures,” said Marks. “We need them now. We don't need promises of future improvement. We've been going over that for years.”
Scantlebury appeared in Palm Beach County court today, where attorneys for both his and Lal's family told WPTV they have many questions about the incident and how it could have occurred.
No litigation has yet been filed, but the Lal family's attorney, Karen Terry, told us she is pursuing "all avenues of recovery for the family."
You can read the full letter from Kimbrell below:
“We don't need to keep talking about the problem we have,” said Marks. "Our voices are echoing right now, and I’m very, very thankful that I’m able to be a voice for a lot of nurses that are fearful to talk.”